Author Guidelines

Please read the Author Guidelines carefully, and make sure you have already understood to the rules before submission. Only submissions that accord to the guidelines and that include all required components, which are described in Author Guidelines, can be sent out for peer review.
Before submitting be sure that you have complied with all the requirements for submission of manuscripts. That will help to ensure that we can consider your work quickly and give you a prompt decision.

Types of contributions
Original Research and Review Articles.

Originality and plagiarism
All accepted papers will be checked by Turnitin software.
Authors are required to submit original written article. If other work necessary to work properly quote according to the instructions on the citation of work. If you use ideas of other authors require their written consent and using the same.
Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical behavior and will be severely punished, and as such is unacceptable.

Language (usage and editing services)
All of the articles are written in Indonesian (PUEBI application is accepted, but not a mixture of these). Manuscripts are expected to be written in a clear, cogent, and readily understandable by PUEBI rules. For abstract must be written by Indonesian and English.

Manuscript Preparation Guidelines
Manuscripts must submit online. All of processes are totally online and you will be guided stepwise through the creation and uploading of your files. Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions. Submission online is in
The manuscript texts are written in Indonesian (see Autentik’s template ). The main text of a manuscript must be submitted as a Word document (.doc) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) file.
The manuscript is typed on A4 size paper, use 12 pt of Arial. The manuscript contains an original work and have potentially contribute to the highly scientific advancement.
The manuscript should contain the following section in order
a. Title
The title should describe the main content of article, be informative, concise, be accurate, unambiguous, specific, not too wordy (12-15 words only)
b. The author name
Full name without academic degrees and titles, written in capital letters.
c. Name of affiliation for each author
The author name should be accompanied by completing affiliation and email.
d. Abstract
Abstract, must be written in 150 words. An abstract should stand alone, means that no citation in the abstract. The abstract is written in single line spacing. 3-5 keywords must be written to describe the research scope observed as well as the main terms undergirding the research.
Key words must be Written in English 3-5 words or groups of words, written alphabetically. Keywords are the labels of your article and critical to correct indexing and searching.
e. Introduction
The introduction must be written in1.5 line spacing. The introduction encompass of: (1) research problem; (2) insight and problem solve planning; (3) summary of theoretical studies and the results of the present study (state of the art), related to the observed problems (gap analysis), and (4) research aims.
f. Methods
Basically, this section describes the way the research was done. The specification and type of tools and materials must be written in case the researches have been conducted by using them.
g. Results and Discussion
This section is the main part of the research result article in which the “fix” results are served. The materials reported are the analysis results and hypothesis testing results. In addition, tables and graphics are also can be showed to enunciate the verbal narration. Tables and images must be given a comment or discussion.
The discussion of article aims to: (1) answer the problems and research questions; (2) show the ways the findings obtained; (3) interpret the findings; (4) relate the finding results to the settled-knowledge structure; (5) bring up new theories or modify the exist theories.
h. Conclusion
This part provides the summary of results and discussion which refers to the research aims. Thus, the new principal ideas, which are essential part of the research findings, are developed. Conclusions should answer the objectives of the research.
Citation and referencing must be written based on APA style 6th Edition which is organized by using Mendeley software latest version. All of references must be most  up-to-date. The minimal of references are the last ten years. The references consist of 70 % of journals  and 30 % of books.
1. Journal articles:
Panno, A., Giacomantonio, M., Carrus, G., Maricchiolo, F., Pirchio, S., & Mannetti, L. (2017). Mindfulness, pro-environmental behavior, and belief in climate change: The mediating role of social dominance. Environment and Behavior50(8). doi:
2. Articles in proceedings:
Hasnat, G. N. T., Kabir, M. A., & Hossain, M. A. (2018). Major environmental issues and problems of South Asia, Particularly Bangladesh. In C. M. Hussain (Ed.), Handbook of Environmental Materials Management (pp. 1–40). Switzerland: Springer Natrure. doi:
3. Book:
Alberts, B., Johnson, A., Lewis, J., Raff, M., Roberts, K., & Walter, P. (2002). Molecular biology of the cell (4th Ed.). New York, US: Garland Science. doi:
4. Book with editor:
Flemming, N. C., Harff, J., Moura, D., Burgess, A., & Bailey, G. N. (Eds.). (2017). Submerged landscapes of the European continental shelf: Quaternary paleoenvironments. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Retrieved from
5. Chapter in edited book
Groundwater-Smith, S. (2007). As rain is to fields, so good teachers are to students. In S. Knipe (Ed.), Middle years schooling:  Reframing adolescence (pp. 151-170). Frenchs Forest, N.S.W: Pearson Education Australia. Retrieved from 
Ashurst, P. R., Hargitt, R., & Palmer, F. (2017). Environmental issues. In P. R. Ashurst, R. Hargitt, & F. Palmer (Eds.), Soft drink and fruit juice problems solved (2nd Ed., pp. 195–199). Woodhead Publishing. doi:
6. Thesis and dissertation, research reports:
Miladan, N. (2016). Communities’ contributions to urban resilience process : a case study of Semarang city (Indonesia) toward coastal hydrological risk. Architecture, space management. Université Paris-Est. Retrieved from
7. Articles from the websites:
European Commission. (2019, January 11). Early childhood education and care. Retrieved from

Online proof correction
Corresponding authors will receive an e-mail with a link to our online proofing system, where have to make prof own article. The final version is created in PDF and authors have to accept final version or to immediately report the error.
All the articles in this journal have been peer reviewed. Nonetheless, editors and organizers are not responsible for the content shown in this publication.